Greetings from West Africa! I departed Houston on Labor Day (some Holiday for me!!) aboard Atlas Air (flight 5Y100). It was wheels up at 11:08 am CDT and we landed in Luanda, Angola at about 6:55 am Angola time (12:55 am Houston time) - a mere 14 hours of flying time! Groan!! Then a one hour flight to Cabinda at 10:45 am followed by a one-hour bus ride into Malongo camp and then at 1:30 pm local time I staggered into my room and collapsed into bed for a short rest and then a shower.
It's been an extremely busy work week for
The Traveling Chemist. We work 12 hour days here - every day - with only a half day off on Sundays (like today, Sept. 12th). I shall post more later on during my visit to Malongo camp but wanted to share a few pictures of this particular trip with my loyal followers right now. Enjoy!!

A brand new soccer stadium here in Cabinda built in time for the recent soccer games in Africa.

A local swimming hole we passed by on the way from Cabinda airport to Malongo.

My flight to Luanda. Atlas Air is a cargo / freight airline company and this is their first venture into carrying passengers. I'm happy to report that the flight departed on time and the food served aboard was perfectly fine.
My flight route from Houston, Texas to
Luanda, ANGOLA >>>>>>>>>>
My favorite movie is "Out of Africa", mainly because I love Isak Dineson's memoirs that the movie is based on...
...I long to go to Africa myself one day and have Robert Redford wash my hair by a hippo-filled stream...
...but with your 12 hour days, you probably wont have time for that.
; ) hee hee...
Say "hi" to Angola for me, TC, safe travels,
Wow, I've always wanted to go to Angola! It's on my list of places to visit in Africa. Hope you're safe and well, Chemist! Rest up when you can. Seems like they're workin' you real hard over there!
I'll say "Hi" to Mr. Redford if I run into him. However, unless he now works in the oil business, I sincerely doubt I wil ever get that chance!!
Well, if you do go to Angola, I would strongly advise you to have someone you trust guide you around! Going in and getting around within Angola can be frought with security problems. Even though the civil war ended in 2001, crime is still endemic and the travel infrastructure is very weak. Be VERY CAREFUL!!
Traveling Chemist
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