Today (Monday, October 20) I was summoned to participate in an all-day meeting. (Boooring!) The one bright note is that today's gathering was held in one of our company's two downtown offices that I had never previously visited. This particular building is located across the street from the office structure whose picture I posted here on October 8 (see below). The office I was in today (pictured above) may be familiar to some readers in that this was the first building that Enron built in Houston - the one where that infamous "E" was situated out in front. This was the "Ground Zero" where the one of the biggest corporate thefts occurred. Many people lost their jobs and Houston suffered a 'black eye' after the scandals by Ken Lay and Jeff Skilling surfaced. (My humble opinion: the Enron bankruptcy may have been a precursor to the current economic turmoil now afflicting the USA and the rest of the world!). Anyway, I digress ... I simply want to say that being here in this building had a certain meaning for me in that here is where history (albeit very bad history) took place. After Enron ceased operation, our company leased several floors of offices at a very attractive rate. In addition, we also purchased the other building Enron constructed - again, this was the structure I showed in my earlier posting.
PS: I survived my all-day meeting and am now comfortably ensconced in my regular office on the west side of Houston!
PPS: For all my readers who reside outside of the USA, do any of you know about Enron?? Just curious. To this day, that was one of the largest corporate failures in our country's history.