Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Note to All My Loyal Followers

Just a brief note to point out that I've added a "widget" (see the left side, above) that allows any reader to become a follower of this blog. I appreciate your following and will try to respond (in time) to your comments.

PS: I was in downtown yesterday attending a meeting in our main Houston office (one of the two former Enron buildings!!). I am pleased to report that all the damage from Hurricane Ike has been repaired and it appears that all our windows are in place (see picture above).


Marjolein said...


First I want to say that I'm from Holland and that my english very bad is. So I hope you understand what I say.

I've got a guestion thats not about the things you've written on this weblog. My guestion is about your disign of your weblog. I'm starting a one weblog, but I do not know how I make a disign whit more than one backgroundcolour. I know how I choose the backgroundcolour, but I really wanted to give my pices were the tekst is in a nother backgroundcolour. But I don't know how I do that.. Can you maybe help me? Because your weblog lookes very very good!!
You can give comment on my weblog:

I hope you understand everything. And I've you will not comment this, I understand. Because I don't know you and you don't know me.. But I've you wanted and can help me, I hope to hear from you soon!!

Greetz, Marjolein

Anonymous said...

When the western world finally gets its act together and finds a non-petroleum based energy source what are these people going to do?

Bill said...

"what are these people going to do?"

There will always be oil. They'll keep doing what they do. Find more oil.

John said...

Hi, greetings from Malaysia. Just want to congratulate you on getting on the Blogs of Note!

You have a very interesting blog - beautiful pictures and great traveling experiences.

I can identify with you and agree with what you said about traveling making you appreciate things back at home sweet home :)

Steven Cruise said...

Hey, congrat on being featured on blogs of note! keep up the good work.

wp said...

Nice discussion. Interesting.

Rusty J said...

love this post!
how long have you been blogging?

could you spare a few minutes for some tips and a critique of my blog?

i would appreciate any blogging advice you could give me. =)

rusty j

Marjolein said...

Thanks for your help with the layout! And good luck with your weblog!


Anonymous said...

The Best Blog !!!

wonderwonderwonder said...

just found your blog through 'blogs of note,' and it is hands down my favorite. your pictures from kuwait are great, colorful. am excited to see where future travels take you!

take care!

Theresa said...

Boy, you sure do get around.

John said...

Hi Mr TC, I have replied to your question on my blog :)

Scumbag Sam said...

that is one hell of a beautiful office building! So glad the hurricane didnt destroy it, and its been all repaired! :)

Loving the blog, keep it up!


The Game said...


NT said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dennis Fleming said...

That building looks like an immense server.

Stephen Chapman said...

I love that building pic - it looks more like a model than a full size building!

Anonymous said...

very nice picture. Very shiny, too. I love shiny. And I really like the buildings that are so shiny it acts like a mirror to the sky... So gorgeous. And futuristic-looking. (is that a word? Oh well. I'll make it a word. So there).